Lingling Aktar


Lingling Aktar in Dragonlance)

Horn of the Storm Dragon

Dragon Scale Ring

Etched Dragonbone Necklace

Horn of the Wild Dragon

Horn of the Serpent

Wands of Storm Dragon (not actually in book)

You should be able to make the pieces by yourself, no special tools required.

If you have trouble, refer to the video below.

Dragonbone Necklace

Horn of the Storm Dragon

Dragon Scale Ring

Etched Dragonbone Necklace

Horn of the Serpent

Wands of Storm Dragon (not actually in book)

You should be able to make the pieces by yourself, no special tools required.

If you have trouble, refer to the video below.

Dragonbone Necklace

Dragon Scale Ring

Etched Dragonbone Necklace

Horn of the Wild Dragon

Horn of the Serpent

Wands of Storm Dragon (not actually in book)

A Note About The Rings:

If the amulet on your ring is of the wrong type, make a note and send me an email with it, and I will get it for you (it will most likely be cheaper than purchasing a proper amulet of the wrong type from a jeweller).

It’s very easy to make the necklaces, but is not as easy as it seems.

Once your piece is done, you should try it on and determine what ring it is (i.e., the ring of the first spell or spirit).

Some people prefer to have their rings of the same type, to avoid having two different sets of rings. The following rules apply:

Tallie (The one that’s on the right in the picture above) uses the ring of Air.

Jenny uses the ring of Water.

The Ring of Earth has 2 distinct rings.

The Ring of Fire has 4 distinct rings, with 1 being the ring (Earth type) and 1 being (Water type).

In short, the ring of the spirit(or spell) that you are using is made of whichever ring of one of those types is higher in quality, and if you have 4 individual (or multiple) rings of a certain type, you should be able to use that particular ring of one type with a different type of ring

Lingling Aktar

Location: Jakarta , Indonesia
Company: Kroger
